4th day of our 21 days of prayer and fasting
Remember, fasting is a choice for God and against the flesh!
Praying for our those in authority...
1 Tim. 2:1-3

We are told to pray for our leaders and our obedience to this scripture determines the types of life we live - ones filled with peace or ones filled with drama and troubles.
Presidents and Prime Ministers are those in authority but also includes Ministers of the Gospel, Teachers and Parents. They all need breakthrough prayers.
Wisdom is the principal thing (Prov 4:7).
Through wisdom is an house builded... (Prov. 24:3-6).
A house can refer to the Government house, the home and the church representing the house of God.
We need to pray that our leaders have the Wisdom of God to direct and do things in line with the Word of God. Our fasting and prayers releases faith filled words and causes the will of God to be done on the earth.
Bow your heart and not just your head - 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Pray and believe that God will turn the heart of our leaders and cause them to be righteous.
To intercede is to 'entreat favor for or petition God on behalf of another'.
Fasting and intercession produces spiritual power that supercedes any evil influence that a person or place may be bound with.This is a mighty weapon to pull down every stronghold assailing our country including demonically influenced rulings and laws.
Never forget that he kingdom of darkness is inferior to the kingdom of light!
So, fast and pray with us for the wisdom of God, direction from above and protection of our leaders.
Pray in line with these scriptures;
(2 Tim.2:15 - Col.1: 9-14 - Titus 2:6-8 - 1 Tim. 4:14 - 2 Tim. 4:17 - 1 Tim.2:1-3 - 2 Chron. 7:14)