

Be encouraged and be blessed.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Make the right choices.


We are blessed by choice and not by chance! Here God tells us to make the right choice...choose life and blessings.
Your choice affects you and your generation. You can choose to have a generational blessing or curse in effect in your life.
Note that there are three forces:
  • The force of Life
  • The force of death
  • The force of choice
Here are some reasons why people may be making wrong choices which is destined to curse and death.
  1. Wrong or bad information.
  2. Not enough information.
  3. Listening to wrong counselors (Prov.12:5)
Good choices are based on good information. Without information, we make lucky choices.
Information leads to decisions.
Decision leads to direction.
Wrong decision lead to wrong direction and right decision leads to right direction.
Now if you listen to wrong counselors then the following happens:
  • Wrong information leads to wrong direction and can be disasterious.
  • Wrong information when you started out right leads to mistakes and can be costly.
Every decision we make has a price attached to it. Your decision seals your destiny!
Make sure that God order your steps to make the right decision. God leads by His Word.
The Word produces Health, Prosperity, Success, Blessings, Peace, Joy...
Decide today to start and stay in the Word and your life will never be the same again!
His Word is a lamp to your feet (Ps.119:105).
Solomon chose wisdom (1 Kings 3:5,9-12)
Joshua with his family chose to serve the Lord (Jos.24:15)
Ruth chose God even though she had no encouragement or support from others (Ruth 1:16)

Make a quality decision seek His Word and live His way.


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