As I drive to my office in Port Louis, on the ourskirt of our Capital City is a billboard advertising a well-known, world renown bank and it has a picture of a very attractive lady with a seducing smile. Advertisers uses sex to sell bank loans and mortgage, automobiles, election candidates, detergents...
Not only is sex on signboards, it is on TV at anytime, specially with satellite TVs. At any given time, you are exposed to sex...no matter what age you are. You can see a naked man and woman at anytime on TV. It use to be at night...late night but not any more. Society has changed and will not teach you the importance of sex as was created by God. GOD!? Does God say anything about SEX? ... SEX!?!?
The bible states that "My people (Born-Again believers, Christians) perish (deteriorate, weaken, ruin, destroy) because of lack of knowledge. A lack of knowledge on this subject will bring destruction and ruin. Sex has been the cause of broken marriage because vows were not respected. Misuse of sex will cause us to use and abuse!!!
So what does God and His Word say about SEX?
Firstly SEX IS GOOD! The bible says that God is the creator of all things. The book of Genesis, meaning the beginning or origins, states that Sex begun from God and it was His idea. Everything God creates is good. It was one of His gift to mankind. God's plan for sex was for procreation. It was the method whereby a husband and wife in relationship would expand God's image in history. As long as it remains in the marriage circle, that is between a husband and wife - it is legal before God's eyes and it is good!
Sex outside the marriage is illegal before His eyes and many teenagers are not taught this in church or youth groups and so they follow the trend of sleeping with others before marriage. Sex outside the marriage is SIN! Sin has consequences!
Sex before marriage is known as fornication and when you are married and you engaged in sexual intercourse with someone that is not your wife, it is call adultery. Both fornication and adultery are SIN! The consequences can result in broken homes, dysfunctional families and a generation seeking relief in drugs, gangs and sexual promiscuity in place of sincere love and intimacy.
Today both fornication and adultery is sweeping our nation and sadly is being tolerated in church! Although sex is a legitimate passion given to us by God, it was not suppose to be our Master! Although God created us with emotions, passions and pulsions, He never intended that they control our life. The Holy Spirit should be leading us by the Word of God.
Fornication and adultery has caused damages in life and society. Even Ministers are falling into this trap of the devil. Movies are playing their role in pushing the devil plans. Todays soap movies have fornication, adultery, cheating, lies, gossips and abuse all gathered in 30 minutes and it attracts people. They then base their life on what they see as they think it fashionable.
Matthew 5:28 "If a man looks on a woman to lust after her, he has committed adultery with her already in his heart."
Psalm 101:3 "I will set no unclean thing before my eyes."
Philippians 4:7, 8 "Keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus... Whatsover things are pure... if there be any virtue... think on these things."
These scriptures also shows us that Pornography is not right in the eyes of God! Satan has succeeded in twisting and perverting sex. He has taken what is good and right (sincere and faithful loving sex between a husband and wife) and replaced it with lust, pornography, adultery, rape, and homosexuality.
Being tempted is not sin (even Jesus was tempted) - but giving in to it, or seeking it out, surely is.
God is a deliverer! If you've yielded to sex sins...confess your sins and repent. God is faithful and just to forgive us all of our sins.
Your pass is past...go and sin no more...
More to follow
Interesting Subject ... Indeed We christian sometimes are hypocrite with ourselves on this subject ...
ReplyDeleteIn one of your sermons you declare that ... a husband and a wife must sleep on the same bed ... and the child shouldn't be in the middle of the couple ... One of my FRIEND was stun and think you was vulgar ... then i had to take out my bible and show him it is a bible principle ...
ReplyDeleteThat's right it's for the church to teach about those issues too many destruction going on because of lack of knowledge
ReplyDeleteYes, the thief steals, kills and destroy and will use sex to destroy lives and families. The church must be holy even as Jesus is holy. The church must teach about sex...but remember if someone has fallen into this sin - there is no condemnation. Repentance and restoration is the will of God. The church must teach and help even as the Holy Spirit does.
ReplyDeleteYes, i preach that there comes a time when we need to stop putting the children between us. You are married to your spouse forever and although your children will always be your children they won't live with you forever! That is why when the children are married, there are no communication between the husband and wife. They haven't communicated for years...anyhow, i bet your friend is Mauritian.;-)
ReplyDeleteIt is surely not true you are being hypocrite with yourself and want to turn the young to what in other words we called a SUB CULTURE. God is good and will surely not punish people who had sex before marriage
ReplyDeletei am more at ease to give my opinions in french than in english sry. J'ai vu dans sur votre blog en parlant de sex vous y avez mélé l'homosexualité. Hors, je suis hétéro mais j'ai des amis gays et lesbiennes. Je ne suis pas du tout d'accord sur le fait que l'homosexualité est un péché. Les homosexuels sont des etres humains comme vous et moi et je ne crois pas que Dieu, Jesus aussi puissant soit il regnierait un homo. C'est peut etre écrit dans la bible je le concois mais qu'est ce qui nous permet nous les hommes de les jugés de dire que les films, les pubs etc sont la cause de leur homosexualité? Vous semblez etre aller un peu vite en jugeant ces gens je suis dsl. Toutefois je reconnais votre sagesse d'esprit et pense etre apte un jr a avoir d débats sur les différents problemes de notre société que vous dites sont causé par le cinéma. C'est un art et ca sarrete la.
ReplyDeletehi You stated that the thief steals ,robs and destroy!!
ReplyDeleteso who is the thief ,?
referring to Jn 10:10
Jesus said he is the Good shepherd!
so the good shepherd does not condemn!
When a catapillar become a butterfly , if ever the latter misbehave does it return to the last state !
Have you yourself has never look at a beautiful women !! For God created all things beautiful!
Grace is Jesus personnified
When we look ouselves in the mirror of LAW we kill ourselves !
in our Eyes so as He is so We are !
be blessed!
Hi all and thks for the comments.
ReplyDeleteI will answer one by one and point by point:
Firstly the comments about sub culture - God IS good and forgives ALL sinners, yes his grace abounds...But grace does not give us license to sin RATHER grace gives us power to overcome sin!
The New Testament is not law but Grace and the Holy Spirit has stated in the writings of Paul the importance to look after our body...to flee sexual immorality.
Le cinema est un art qui nous influence...soyons franc mon ami. Il y a des mauvais ou des bonnes influences...le cinema a joue le role de deux.
ET je ne pas ecrit contre homosexualite ni les juges! Vous avez raison. Jesus les aimes...et il peut et veut les delivrer.
And one contradicts himself/herself when mention grace (New Testament Principles) and telling me when i write on sexual purity that im refering to law...what? Know you not that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
I sincerely thank you for taking time to read and sending your comments. I appreciate you all.
Write some more and let's be or stay friends.
Be bless
:) japprecie sincerement votre largesse desprit
ReplyDeletei am so happy we talk about sex in fact this word "tabboo" should be banned. truely sex is gooood and i strongly believe that this subject must be dealt taught preached more frequently not only sex(as sin like fornication or adultery) but also SEX LOVING SEX in the couple life some members of the congregation may not agree with this but i'm sure 100% sure it will bring deliverance happiness joy self-esteem comprehension between husband nd wife and the whole family
ReplyDeletei also believe that sex must be a prayer subject for prayer meeting the unmarried ones to recieve the man/woman of God's choice for their lifes! Blessings
ReplyDeleteThere is a lcak of Biblical teaching on the subject...So, people perish because of a lack of knowledge.
ReplyDeleteI'm just trying to shed some light on this subject from a Christian Biblical point of view not from opinions or society...
Hi Pastor,
ReplyDeleteYou have said it all on the blog. Sex outside marriage is not Godly and is a sin. This should be clear for all Christians whether they are married or not (like me).
However, with all the respect that I owe you, I don't see the purpose of a debate on this subject. This is God's word and it simply requires obedience from our side. Times may have changed. God has not changed and His Word has not changed.
Let's not get away from one of the mission for which we have been called: Outreach.
I totally agree with Pastor James positive approach to sexuality. It is great time for the Church to take its responsibilities on this issue, before it is too late!
ReplyDeleteWell, it is an undeniable fact that traditional Christianity has always been blurred by many misconceptions about sexuality, and this has given birth to a conventional legalistic approach which is plagued with confusion and taboo . Clearly, those misunderstandings are either the fruits of some biblical misinterpretations, which overlook the contextualized aspect of some biblical verses, or the application of some opinions and personal experiences of the early church fathers. These negative attitudes, which focus on restrictions, still have adherents today, both among Catholics and Protestants. Indeed, leaders from both movements, who have adopted this wrong heritage, are often convinced that they are doing the right thing when they protect believers from sexual information. Obviously, this approach has long created fear, uncertainty, and even despise towards sexuality, among believers.
Moreover, the traditional approach to sexuality has failed to articulate solid arguments for most of its restrictions and as a result, it can no longer cope with contemporary challenges.
Recently, there has been a paradigm shift away from the traditional approach to sexuality. However, in their attempt to replace the old by the new, modern Christians, to some extent, are adopting 'worldy' sexual behaviours.(Can we blame them when the Church is not or does not have a clue on how to take its responsibilities?)
I argue for a fresh approach which is both theocentric and relational. It is important to note here that my view does not allow or accept all kinds of sexual behaviour. In fact, i am aware of the danger of sexual perversion. Consequently, even with a positive focus, we have to be careful. As Scholar Stanley Hauerwas has rightly pointed out, “genuine love is so capable of destruction that we need a structure to sustain us. ” Indeed Christians have to bear in mind that certain things are not optional in sexuality .
The old legalistic approach with its restrictions normally reduces sexuality to genital sex (sexual intercourse or coitus), in contrast, i propose that sexuality should be viewed in a much broader context.We have to acknowledge that we have been created as sexual beings and that sexuality is an essential dimension of our human nature at every stage of our life . Furthermore, with this positive approach we can boldly say that sexuality is a sacred gift of God, which involves unity, vulnerability, openness, trust, self-giving, pleasure, self-control, commitment and responsibility.
I will end here for today! I hope that my comment will be help! maybe next time i will give my opinion on Single sexuality, masturbation and sexual fantasies!
God bless you all!
Azagen (kris ven)
Light Ministries & Hillsong Church Sydney